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E140 - Klorofyllit ja Klorofylliinit

Toiminnot: Väri

Chlorophyll d is a form of chlorophyll, identified by Harold Strain and Winston Manning in 1943. It is present in cyanobacteria which use energy captured from sunlight for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll d absorbs far-red light, at 710 nm wavelength, just outside the optical range. An organism that contains chlorophyll d is adapted to an environment such as moderately deep water, where it can use far red light for photosynthesis, although there is not a lot of visible light. - Wikipedia

EFSA:n arviointi: Scientific Opinion on the re-evaluation of chlorophylls -E 140i- as food additives (2015-05-07)

Maa: Suomi - Näytä kaikki vastaavat tuotteet koko maailmasta